In a complex, interconnected, and emergent world we have to change how we do things, not just what we do, in order to truly co-create meaningful innovation and catalyze positive social change. Unwittingly, the conventional structures we use to organize, plan, and collaborate (lectures, open discussion, round robin updates, brainstorms, etc) stifle inclusion and flatten complexity. Whether you work in an NGO, a public institution, a community group, a school, or a social movement, you may regularly experience some of the following realities that block most people’s ability to work together creatively and productively:

  • Rigid organizations expressing a desire for change but little movement
  • Power and hierarchy getting in the way of freedom and responsibility
  • Exclusion, mistrust, and disengaged people
  • Unproductive, boring meetings
  • Difficult conversations routinely avoided

In this course, we will practice the mindsets, processes, and skills needed to lead meaningful innovation. Through hands-on, experiential learning, we will explore emergent facilitation and strategy, equity-based human-centered design, and a set of 30+ Liberating Structures designed to unleash more creativity, more complexity, and more wisdom. Participants will walk away with tools that they can immediately apply after each session as well as practice opportunities to begin designing, facilitating, and receiving feedback within a supportive community.

Course Access Dates: Students from 3/31/2023 until 6/29/2026; Faculty from 12/1/2022 until 6/29/2026