Course Syllabi Format

The following format is provided for use by faculty members for course syllabi. All faculty are expected to send an electronic copy of the syllabus for each course taught to their respective department chair/program director; the office coordinator of each department forwards all department syllabi to the respective dean.



Course Number (e.g. ENG 111, SMCL 602)                                                        Professor’s Name

Semester, Year (e.g. Spring, 2016)                                                                      Professor’s Office

Office Hours (e.g. By appointment or specify)                 Campus Phone (other phone if you wish)


You may use the catalog description or one that more accurately portrays the course you will teach. At the end, state if and how the course fulfills EMU Core requirements. Refer to the Schedule of Undergraduate Course Offerings if you need clarification. Sample statements:

  • ·         This course does not satisfy any EMU Core requirements.
  • ·         This course fulfills the EMU Core History and Literature (HL) requirement.
  • ·         This course may fulfill the EMU Core History and Literature (HL) requirement OR the Cross Cultural (CC) requirement, not both.
  • ·         This course fulfills the EMU Core Creative Arts (CA) requirement AND serves as a Writing Intensive (WI) designate.


Course objectives are statements, items or examples that describe the desired outcomes—behaviors, level of competencies, abilities—expected of the student completing the course.

For EMU Core courses and Core designate courses, please include the appropriate Core objectives in your list of course objectives. These may be found in the linked document:


The evaluation criteria and procedures should be specified so students will clearly understand how grades are computed when quizzes, tests and examinations are given, the work expected outside of class and due dates for completion and submission of assignments. Because EMU requests early graded experience grades for all first-year students and students on academic probation, please plan evaluation components accordingly so early graded experience grades provide as realistic an appraisal of the student’s potential for success in the course as possible.


State your class attendance policy. If there are penalties for not attending, those should be specified.


List required books, texts, articles, reserve materials, laboratory manuals, supplies, etc. If there are any special fees, please state those fees. Also indicate how this course invites the student to use library resources for meeting course requirements.


Faculty are encouraged to copy and paste the following blurb on the academic integrity policy into syllabi each semester to educate students on this policy.

Academic Integrity Policy (AIP): EMU faculty and staff care about the integrity of their own work and the work of their students. They create assignments that promote interpretative thinking and work intentionally with students during the learning process. Honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility are characteristics of a community that is active in loving mercy, doing justice, and walking humbly before God. EMU defines plagiarism as occurring when a person presents as one’s own someone else’s language, ideas, or other original (not common-knowledge) material without acknowledging its source. (Adapted from the Council of Writing Program Administrators). [Taken from “Academic Integrity,” 2015-16 Undergraduate Catalog.] This course will apply EMU’s AIP (see catalog, pp. 16-19) to any events of academic dishonesty.


Faculty teaching 100- and 200-level courses should copy and paste the following blurb on the Early Graded Experience into their syllabi each semester.

First and second-year students enrolled in this course will receive a grade of satisfactory (SA), warning (WA), or UN (unsatisfactory) after the fourth week of the semester. This grade is intended to provide students with feedback on their academic performance and engagement in this course. Students who receive a WA or UN grade will be expected to discuss with me, within one week of receiving their grades, plans for improving their performance in this course.


Faculty are encouraged to copy and paste the following blurb on Turnitin into syllabi each semester to educate students on this policy.

Students at Eastern Mennonite University are accountable for the integrity of the work they submit. Thus, you should be familiar with EMU’s Academic Integrity Policy in order to meet the academic expectations concerning appropriate documentation of sources. In addition, EMU is using Turnitin, a learning tool and plagiarism prevention system. For this class, you will submit your papers to Turnitin from Moodle. When grading your work, I will interpret the originality report accordingly, and I will follow the Academic Integrity Policy as appropriate. For more information about and a demo of Turnitin, please see this site: Note that submitted papers become part of the database.

Faculty, you may turn this option off if you do not want your papers to be part of a virtual database. Adapt this statement, then, accordingly. You may also want to include instruction about submitting early drafts to Turnitin. See “turnitinbestpractices.pdf” document on the Writing Program site under Faculty.


Include the following statement: If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact your work in this course, please contact Office of Academic Access on the third floor of the Hartzler library, 540-432-4233. They will work with you to establish eligibility and to coordinate reasonable accommodations. All information and documentation is treated confidentially.


Faculty are encouraged to copy and paste the following blurb on Academic Success Center tutors into syllabi each semester to educate students on this resource.

Please take advantage of the free individual tutoring from Academic Success Center tutors. ASC tutors are undergraduate students trained to support students in particular courses and departments. Tutors also offer occasional study group options. To make an appointment, access ASC Tutoring through quick links on myEMU.

[For classes with heavy writing components, faculty may wish to substitute the following blurb for the one above: Please take advantage of the free individual tutoring from our writing tutors. Writing tutors are strong writers who hold scheduled one-on-one sessions with students and are an excellent resource for writers at any level or at any stage in the writing process. Please remember that writing tutors do not provide an editing or proofreading service. They will help you put what you learn into practice and will work with you to improve your own proofreading and editing skills. To make an appointment, please access ASC Tutoring (also accessible through myEMU).]

As indicated in the recent email from the provost, all faculty are asked to include the following statement regarding Title IX.

It is important for you to know that all faculty members are required to report known or alleged incidents of sexual violence (including sexual assault, domestic/relationship violence, stalking). That means that I cannot keep information about sexual violence confidential if you share that information with me. For example, if you inform me of an issue of sexual harassment, sexual assault, or discrimination I will keep the information as private as I can, but I am required to bring it to the attention of the institution’s Title IX Coordinator. If you would like to talk to this office directly, Marcy Engle, Title IX Coordinator, can be reached at 540-432-4148 or Additionally, you can also report incidents or complaints through our online portal at You may report, confidentially, incidents of sexual violence if you speak to Counseling Services counselors, Campus Ministries pastors, and Health Services personnel providing clinical care. These individuals, as well as the Title IX Coordinator can provide you with information on both internal and external support resources.

Please refer to the Student Handbook which can be found at for additional policies, information, and resources available to you.



By specific date or week, identify the assignments and expectations so students may know what is expected of them. The assignment schedule should list each class meeting time, and may include information such as the reading or activity that the student should do in preparation for the class, the topic of the day, and any quizzes, exams, papers, field trips, or other assignments.

Include the date and time of the final exam period for the course, which can be found by going to myEMU ( and clicking on the Academics tab.  All classes are expected to meet for an exam or other substantive experience during the final exam period.

Undergraduate final examinations are to be taken at the scheduled time except for emergencies. Requests are handled through the Request to Take Final Examination Out of Schedule form available in the office of the undergraduate academic dean. If the student is ill, the health services coordinator is to notify the office of the undergraduate academic dean before the time of the examination. Students who have more than two exams in one day may request to take a final examination out of schedule by the Friday before final exam week.

In the event an undergraduate student wishes to take a final examination out of schedule for non-emergency reasons, the reasons must be recognized by the teacher and the office of the undergraduate academic dean as justifiable. A fee must be paid at the business office before the student is eligible to take the test.