Cross-Cultural Policy - H Ins

Cross-cultural Leaders and Health Insurance Policy


This policy identifies the exceptional status of cross-cultural leaders and assistant leaders as EMU employees in regard to health insurance benefits. It ensures the welfare of all participants in EMU cross-cultural programs and reduces EMU’s exposure to risk.

Policy Statement

Cross-cultural Programs requires all participants to have international health insurance to reduce institutional liability. Assistant leaders who must personally bear the cost of health insurance coverage during their employment at EMU are eligible to request reimbursement for insurance costs. Spouses who accompany assistant leaders for the duration of the program may also be included in the premium; separate coverage for spouses is not reimbursable. Reimbursement will be capped at the current EMU health coverage contribution for regular standard deductible.

The reimbursement procedure is as follows. The faculty leader notifies the cross-cultural director that the assistant leader is eligible to request health insurance reimbursement. The cross-cultural director works directly with the assistant leader to confirm eligibility for reimbursement, set cost limits, and discuss coverage options. Human Resources may be consulted as appropriate. The assistant leader selects a health insurance program and submits the terms and cost to the cross-cultural director for review. The cross-cultural director secures approval from the faculty leader since the insurance cost is applied as an expense to the corresponding cross-cultural budget. The assistant leader completes the request for reimbursement with appropriate documentation.

Responsible Party

Responsibility for this policy lies with the undergraduate academic dean.  Policy implementation is the responsibility of the associate dean for curriculum as cross-cultural director.

Policy Review

This policy is to be reviewed any time cross-cultural faculty compensation rates are under review.


  1. Undergraduate Dean’s Office
  2. Cross-cultural Programs
  3. Provost’s Office
  4. Human Resources

Approved by Cross-cultural Committee, March 19, 2010

Approved by Academic Cabinet, April 28, 2010
Approved by President’s Cabinet, May 26, 2010