Educational Discounts

Educational Discounts

Faculty and staff .75 FTE and greater are eligible to receive these benefits. Employees who were eligible for benefits on June 30, 2006, have a different eligibility scale. Contact Human Resources for more information.

Discounts are available for tuition charges (excluding special fees) at EMU. Discounts are applicable for undergraduate, graduate, seminary or audit tuition. The discount granted at the beginning of the semester will generally remain the same for the entire semester regardless of a work-load change during that time. Students will receive the discount after completion of a discount application. The student must complete the application prior to the term for which the discount is desired.

The tuition discount will be applied to the student aid package after other grant aid is awarded. If the amount of discount plus other institutional grants and scholarships exceed tuition charges, the discount will not exceed the charge for tuition.

In addition to regular tuition, tuition discounts apply to the tuition portion of off-campus programs offered directly by EMU, i.e., programs in which all income and expenditures are handled by EMU.

There will be no discount for any type of individual instruction such as applied music and physical education fees, tutoring, credit by examination, CLEP tests, student activity fees, Degree Completion Program assessment fees and other special fees.

EMU Employees and Spouses

Eligible employees (.75 FTE or more) may take up to four hours of courses each semester or a maximum of eight semester hours per fiscal year. For those individuals who are employed less than two complete years, the prorated benefit is as follows: first year of employment – 3 SH; second year of employment – 6 SH. In the case of persons enrolled in the Degree Completion Program, the discount will be up to 50 percent of tuition and book charges (first year of employment – 10%, second year of employment – 25%). Daytime courses may be taken if special make-up time arrangements can be made with the respective supervisor.

Spouses of eligible EMU employees (.75 FTE or more) are eligible for up to 50 percent discount in tuition. The prorated benefit for those employed less than 3 years is as follows: first year of employment – 10%; second year of employment 25%.

EMU Employees' Children

Children of an employee (.75 FTE or more) are eligible for up to 50 percent tuition discount. The prorated benefit for those employed less than 3 years is as follows: first year of employment – 10%; second year of employment – 25%. This is interpreted as one discount per child from parent or parent couple employed. Children who attend other Mennonite colleges may also be eligible for discounts at those institutions under an agreement of reciprocity. (Check with the Financial Assistance office for a current list of participating institutions.) The discount is available to children treated as “dependent” for financial aid purposes. The discount is not available to children treated as “independent” for financial aid purposes.

Section 127 – Educational Assistance Plan

Section 127 allows employees who are taking graduate courses to benefit from a tuition reduction tax- free. In any plan calendar year participants shall be eligible to receive benefits under the plan up to an amount of $5,250 (or greater or lesser amount as may be subsequently permitted under the Code Section 127).