Vehicle Use and Policy Guide

Vehicle Fleet Use and Policy Guide

The physical plant office is responsible for all EMU fleet vehicle concerns and is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fleet vehicles are available for university business and approved university related activities. All drivers must complete and sign an Authorization to Obtain Motor Vehicle Record form a Drivers Qualification Form and submit the forms along with a copy of their driver’s license to Physical Plant Office before driving any EMU vehicles.

Drivers of cars must hold a valid U.S. drivers license, be at least 19 years old and have two years (regular daily) driving experience.

Drivers for vans must hold a valid U.S. drivers license, be at least 25 years old and have five years (almost daily) driving experience or have a CDL and must complete van driving training.

The university and/or its insurance carrier will determine who is approved to drive university vehicles. All users must provide a general ledger account number approved by the respective department head.

Reservations and Use of Fleet Vehicles

Reservations for vehicle use should be made well in advance to ensure efficient scheduling. The following information is requested for reservations:

  • Name of driver
  • Authorizing department
  • Account number
  • Departure and return times and dates
  • Destination
  • Size of vehicle desired.

Fleet vehicle user responsibilities:

  • Pick up and return vehicles at reservation times.
  • Wear seat belts. Observe all traffic regulations. Any infractions and subsequent fine payments are the responsibility of the user.
  • Report any problems with the vehicle to the Physical Plant office as soon as possible. All accidents must be reported immediately.
  • Return vehicle with interior in clean condition.
  • If office is closed, return keys in the deposit slot in the door of the Physical Plant office, room 202.
  • Return vehicle with at least 1/2 tank of gas to the Physical Plant lot.

Driver Responsibilities

1. Drive alert! It is important that all university drivers have knowledge of safe practices and are alert at all times behind the wheel.

  • Do not attempt to drive if you need to sleep.
  • Do not drive when taking medications or any substance that may impair driving ability.
  • Do not attempt to consume a meal while operating the vehicle. Small snacks and beverages are permissible.
  • Constantly monitor changing conditions in the highway, traffic, and weather
  • Standards for Operation of EMU Vehicles prohibit use of electronic devices (including cellular phones) while operating an EMU owned vehicle.

2. Drive defensively! There are three basic techniques that are vital for the defensive driver:

  • Recognition of the hazard- A hazard may be caused by another vehicle, may be mechanical in nature, or caused by existing road conditions.
  • Understanding the defense- The most basis driving defenses are proper speed, following distance, and driver alertness.
  • Acting in Time- If the hazard is recognized and the proper defensive course of action known, then steps can be taken to prevent emergency situations from arising.

3. Drive responsibly! The driver is the first line of defense against vehicular accidents. Drivers should:

  • Obey all laws and safety rules. Fines for moving violations and parking infractions are the responsibility of the driver.
  • Assume a safety conscious attitude for all occupants of the vehicle.
  • Ensure that driver and all passengers use seat belts.
  • Observe common courtesy toward all other drivers and pedestrians.
  • Remember that the operators driving actions reflect on the University.
  • Check to see that all personal belongings and trash are removed from the vehicle.

. Additional Driver Responsibility for operation of vans

  • Allow no roof loading.
  • Ensure that driver and all passengers use seat belts.

Gas Purchases

The Wright Express Card (which must be kept with the car) is widely accepted by many different merchants.

  • Each vehicle is issued a Wright Express Card carrying the ID number of that vehicle.
  • Cards can only be used for the vehicle to which they are assigned.
  • Cards may be used only for fuel and lubricants. No food.

Typically, you should be able to use the card to pay at the pump. You will be given a pin number when you pick up the keys. After you swipe the card you will be prompted to enter the pin number and the vehicle mileage. If you encounter difficulty take the card to the cashier for entry or you may use your EMU corporate card. If a corporate card is used a copy of the receipt must be furnished to the physical plant office.

Rates and Usage Fees

Departments will be charged the following rates for fleet vehicle use:

  • All cars: $20.00 a day + $.20 a mile
  • Mini-van: (7 passenger) .57 minimum charge 28 miles or $15.96
  • Van (15 passenger): .85 minimum charge 28 miles or $23.80

Because of heavy scheduling, a $25 usage fee may be charged in addition to regular mileage if the vehicle is not returned at the scheduled time.

In Case of Emergency

Call the physical plant office at (540) 432-4390. After hours call Eldon Kurtz (home) 540-434-1096 or cell phone 540-578-3627.

For Roadside Service call: 1-888-WEX-TOWS or 1-888-936-8697. This service is through Wright Express (our gas credit card company). If you need assistance, call them and they will send someone to assist you. Use your Wright Express card to pay for the service, just as when you purchase gas. They will need the card account number, your “pin number” and the odometer reading.

Your cooperation in responsible use of EMU fleet vehicles is appreciated.


Updated 05/07/14