Site news

Moodle has been updated to 4.0

by Information Systems Helpdesk -

The upgrade to Moodle 4.0 is complete.

For more details about Moodle 4.0 please refer to the new features tour or the version release notes. There are also a series of videos that describe new version 4.0 features.

We have also put together a video highlighting what is different about 4.0 vs. our old version of 3.11.

Moodle FAQs have been updated and you can find those here.

Please contact the Helpdesk with questions or comments: or 540 432 4357 (x4357 on the Harrisonburg campus).

Upgrade to Moodle 4.0 attempted but not successful

by Information Systems Helpdesk -

The upgrade was initiated early Friday am but was not able to be completed.  Moodle should be completely operational but we are still using the 3.11 version.  We are working with our vendor to see when we can try to upgrade again.  We will plan to post an update once we know more.  Our apologies for the delay.

UPDATE: The second attempt to upgrade will now be made at 3 am on Monday, July 18 and Moodle should be usable at the latest by 6 am.

Please contact the Helpdesk with questions or comments: or 540 432 4357 (x4357 on the Harrisonburg campus).

Incorrect Moodle enrollments

by Information Systems Helpdesk -

We have found one of our automation processes was using extraneous student data and adding students to Moodle courses that were not currently active. We are running an overwrite of this most recent sync and hope to have the issue fixed by the end of the day. Please let us know if you have further questions by reaching out to

Thank you for working with us on this issue!

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