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Completion requirements

EMU CS Programming Rubric


  • Source code must be submitted for each assignment. Some assignments may also require additional data files.
  • The code must compile and run on the lab systems.
  • The code must be substantially your own work and any resources and code used as reference must be fully documented.
CriteriaExcellent (A)Acceptable (C)Unacceptable (F)
Documented & Maintainable
(The program is well-documented with appropriate names and comments making it easy to understand.)
  • all naming conventions are followed
  • both in-line and header comments are included and clearly explain the what the code accomplishes and how
  • white space is used well
  • most naming conventions are followed
  • some comments are confusing or missing
  • white space is used well in most places
  • poor or no use of naming conventions
  • too few or too many comments are used and they are unclear or inaccurate
  • poor use of white space
Adaptable & Reusable
(The program is modular, using abstraction well and any limitations are clearly specified.)
  • all interfaces between objects are clear
  • appropriate utility functions are used and well-documented
  • most code can be reused
  • most object interfaces are clear
  • some appropriate utility functions are used and documented
  • some code can be reused
  • poor object interface definitions
  • few or no utility functions
  • no code can be reused
Robust & Correct
(The program provides the correct output for all possible input.)
  • the program works completely as expected
  • the output is displayed to specification for all valid input
  • the program responds appropriately for all invalid input
  • the program works as expected for most input
  • there may be minor errors in output formatting for valid input
  • not all invalid input is handled reasonably
  • the program does not produce correct output for even the sample input
  • the program fails to handle invalid input
  • exceptions are not caught
Efficient & Elegant
(The program uses both time and space on the computer effectively, without losing source code clarity.)
  • no extra variables or definitions are used
  • the code is small, efficient yet still easily understood
  • extra variables do not make the code harder to understand
  • brute-force problem solving approach
  • extra variables are pervasive and confusing
  • the code is unnecessarily long and patched together

The EMU Academic Integrity Policy applies to all programming assignments. Plagiarism and academic dishonesty (including failure to document resources used) will result in a failing grade of 1 on the assignment and submission of a Violation of Academic Integrity Report.

Charles Cooley & Dee Weikle, Dec. 2012
Last modified: Monday, December 3, 2012, 1:49 PM
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