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Completion requirements

CS 488 A

Eastern Mennonite University

Computer Science Internship


The internship experience gives students an opportunity to integrate theory and practice by working in a supervised setting. Consultation and reporting to the faculty advisor guides the student’s experience to maximize learning.


After completion of the internship experience the student should be able to:

  • integrate and apply theory and understandings from CS courses in a work environment,
  • use common techniques and skills of the computer and information technology field,
  • observe and take part in the management of technology changes within an organization,
  • understand the industry environment of the organization providing the internship,
  • understand the impact and role of computer and information technology on an organization,
  • demonstrate community involvement and reflect on the issues encountered in that involvement,
  • demonstrate the ability to work with supervision and with other employees, and
  • perform various tasks to the satisfaction of the supervisor.


The behavioral and ethical standards of the EMU community are to be observed in all aspects of this internship. The organization offering the internship opportunity will have additional expectations. Any questions or concerns about the work environment should be brought to the immediate attention of the on-site supervisor, internship coordinator, or faculty advisor.

on-site supervisor: ___________________, ___________________________, ____________

faculty advisor: ___________________, ___________________________, ____________


A typical 3 credit hour internship consists of at least 120 hours of internship experience during a single semester.

Grading is on a pass/fail basis and based on written and oral reports submitted by the student and with consultation with the on-site supervisor.

The student will submit 3 written reports and maintain regular contact with the faculty advisor.


Organization Overview Paper
This informal research paper should provide a summary of the organization’s background, current practices, relationships with competitors and affiliates, as well as a brief overview of the industry in which it operates. How and why was the business started? Describe the structure of the industry: typical size of firms both nationally and locally (and possibly internationally); size and number of competitors in the local market; specific segments; important trends in the industry. Why would a potential customer come to this company as opposed to some other company offering similar products or services (talk about the experience and skill set of employees, unique products, better customer service, location, low costs which lead to low prices, quality, reliability of delivery, flexibility, reputation). What other types of measures does the firm use to gauge its degree of success?
(due at the end of week 2)
Internship Duties Report
Students should keep an informal journal of activities and impressions throughout the internship experience. At the mid-point of the experience, a summary report of those experiences is due which gives an overview of the typical daily or weekly activities including: tasks performed, interactions made with employees, meetings attended, and the overall atmosphere of the work environment. Identify the positive and negative things about the internship along with observations and reservations made about the job or career. Note any new skills, knowledge, or insights acquired or new perspectives on older skills, knowledge, or insights.
(due when approximately ½ of internship hours are completed)
Internship Experience Summary
The final report summarizes the internship experience by identifying the signficant learning experiences and contributions to the organization served. Include what you have learned about your own aptitudes and abilities, what you have learned about the way an organization operates, and specific skills that you were able to develop or enhance during your internship. Describe the contribution that you feel you made to your organization during the internship. Describe the highlights of your internship and how the experience could have been improved.
(due one week after internship experience is completed)
Last modified: Tuesday, August 28, 2018, 5:04 AM
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