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Syllabus Policies for Undergraduate Courses

The Student Handbook contains policies, information, and resources. This document highlights several key items.


EMU’s Life Together statement describes the sort of learning community that we aspire to be. Learning thrives where there is free and open exchange of ideas, thoughts, emotions, and convictions. Open discourse requires trust and safety. While I anticipate that you may find that some aspects of the class challenge your views and theoretical frameworks, I invite you to respectfully express either agreement or disagreement without fear of consequences. If you feel that I am violating this commitment, please make an appointment to meet outside of class so that we can discuss the issue.

I hope we can welcome differences and demonstrate a willingness to analyze issues from frameworks that may or may not feel comfortable. I have opinions, which I may express from time to time. Please be sensitive in your class participation by not unfairly dominating discussions. Be aware of others’ right to speak and welcome questions from your classmates. My goal is to create a brave space in which everyone learns to participate in scholarly dialogue that values listening, thinking, feeling, study, and professionalism. (Adapted from Margaret Sallee and Kathryn Roulston)

  1. Our primary commitment is to learn from each other. We will listen to each other and not talk at each other. We welcome differences amongst us in backgrounds, skills, interests, and values. We realize that it is these very differences that will increase our awareness and understanding through this process.
  2. We will trust that people are always doing the best they can.
  3. Challenge the idea and not the person. We debate ideas, not the individual sharing this idea or practice.
  4. Each of us will strive to speak our discomfort. When something is bothering you, please practice sharing this with the group. Often our emotional reactions offer valuable learning opportunities.
  5. Step Up, Step Back. Be mindful of taking up much more space than others. On the same note, empower yourself to speak up when others are dominating the conversation.
  6. Stay engaged. When overwhelmed or stressed, it can be tempting to slip away from the class or group while meeting. Let us honor one another with focused connection. When we catch ourselves disengaging, let us gently refocus on the tasks at hand.


Eastern Mennonite University expects all its faculty, staff, and students to adopt inclusive communication for everyone, e.g. race or ethnicity, gender, disabilities, age, and sexual orientation. We will use respectful language in all our official university documents, including those put forth by way of Internet communication, and throughout all academic coursework, inclusive of classroom presentations and conversations, course syllabi, and both written and oral student assessment materials. See the Inclusive Communication Best Practices.

As an inclusive community, we strive to sustain safety and belonging for students of all gender and sexual identities expressed in the LGBTQIA+ Student Support Policy.


Bias incidents are harmful to the EMU community and/or individuals within the EMU community. Bias can be intentional or unintentional and may be directed toward an individual or group. A bias incident may take the form of a verbal interaction, cyber-interaction, physical interaction, or interaction with property. Bias reporting is a resource for anyone who needs to communicate an incident or explore a better understanding around issues of discrimination and learning how to effectively respond. All members of the university community are encouraged to report incidents of bias. For more information see the Bias Response Policy


All students will receive formative feedback after the fourth week of semester-long classes and after the third week of half-semester classes. Formative feedback provides students with a holistic ‘snapshot’ of their academic performance and engagement in this course and is not formally recorded. This feedback is provided early enough in the semester to inform the student’s performance in order to succeed in the course. Professors use class attendance and participation, timely assignment completion, quiz/test scores, and other factors to assess how a student is currently progressing in their class. Students who would benefit from additional assistance will be notified via email. Within one week of receiving this feedback students should discuss with their professor, academic advisor, and/or other supporting folks (coaches, student life staff, mentors) and make plans for adjusting their performance in this course.


Students are expected to attend all class meetings. If unusual or emergency circumstances prevent class attendance, the student should notify the professor in advance if possible. Multiple absences from class will result in lower grades. The student is responsible for the material presented in classes missed. Students should be aware of the importance of regular class attendance, particularly in the case of classes that only meet once a week or over several weekends. Being absent for more than one class leads to a student missing a large portion of the class content. In addition to consistent class attendance, students should make every effort to arrive to class on time out of respect for the learning process, fellow students and faculty.

Students with an excused absence (varsity athletic contest, EMU class field trip, etc.) will not be penalized for missing class and will be given an opportunity to make up any work that was missed during class time. Students should always notify the professor ahead of time when missing for an excused absence. Alternative assignments can be provided for activities that are difficult to replicate, such as labs or daily quizzes.


EMU respects the diversity of religious holidays and wishes to provide reasonable accommodations for students who may be unable to fully participate in class, lab, exams, or other assignments due to observation of a significant religious holiday. Students should provide adequate notice (a week in advance) to the faculty of such requests.


On all-campus special event days when classes do not meet, students are expected to participate in organized activities for an amount of time equal to or exceeding the time that would have otherwise been spent in class sessions. These experiences are designed to meet learning outcomes associated with EMU core values and commitments as well as to build a sense of community among students, faculty, staff and the greater community. EMU values include peacebuilding/conflict transformation (restorative practices), unifying leadership, community building, equity and inclusion (dignity), affirming difference and undoing bias, intercultural learning, environmental sustainability, civic engagement, service/community engagement, social justice, active faith and religious literacy, Anabaptist understandings, vocational exploration, integrative life skills, innovation/creativity/scholarship, and celebration/spirit.


Final Examinations are to be taken at the scheduled time except for emergencies and when a student has more than two exams in one day. Non-emergency requests to take an exam out of schedule are handled by completing the Request to Take Final Examination out of Schedule form available on the Academics tab of myEMU. This must be completed no later than two weeks before the scheduled exam, and a $35 fee must be paid, upon approval by the instructor and the appropriate dean. Students who have more than two exams in one day should also complete the form no later than two weeks before the scheduled exams and no fee will be charged.


In accordance with EMU mission, vision, and life together statements, we expect academic integrity of all members of the community. Responses to violations of academic integrity will be handled according to the Academic Accountability Policy and Procedures. EMU fosters a culture where faculty, staff, and students respect themselves and others. EMU faculty and staff care about the integrity of their own work and the work of their students. They create assignments that promote interpretative thinking and work intentionally with students during the learning process. Honesty, integrity, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility are characteristics of a community that is active in loving mercy, doing justice, and walking humbly before God. At EMU, a transparent account for academic work involves producing and submitting one’s own work in papers, essays, projects, quizzes and tests; correctly and consistently acknowledging sources used; factually representing research results, one’s credentials, and facts or opinions; and appropriately documenting use of technology.

If the professor has not explicitly invited use of AI in the assignment and a student uses AI, the professor will treat it as a plagiarism case as per our Academic Accountability policy and documented via Maxient.


If you have a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability that may impact your work in this course, it is your responsibility to contact the Office of Academic Access on the third floor of the Hartzler library. This office will work with you to establish eligibility and to coordinate reasonable accommodations. All information and documentation is treated confidentially.


Please take advantage of the free individual tutoring from Academic Success Center tutors. ASC tutors are undergraduate students trained to support students in particular courses and programs. Tutors also offer occasional study group options. To make an appointment, access ASC Tutoring through quick links on myEMU.

For classes with heavy writing components: Please take advantage of the free individual tutoring from our writing tutors. Writing tutors are strong writers who hold scheduled one-on-one sessions with students and are an excellent resource for writers at any level or at any stage in the writing process. Please remember that writing tutors do not provide an editing or proofreading service. They will help you put what you learn into practice and will work with you to improve your own proofreading and editing skills. To make an appointment, please access ASC Tutoring (also accessible through myEMU).


The Hartzler Library offers support (via e-mail, chat, phone) and subject guides to facilitate your research.


The following policy applies to any incidents that occur (on or off campus) while you are a student registered at EMU. It does not apply to incidents that happened prior to your enrollment at EMU.

It is important for you to know that all faculty and staff members are required to report known or alleged incidents of sexual violence (including sexual assault, domestic/relationship violence, stalking). That means that faculty and staff members cannot keep information about sexual violence confidential if you share that information with them. For example, if you inform a faculty or staff member of an issue of sexual harassment, sexual assault, or discrimination, they will keep the information as private as possible. However, they are required to bring it to the attention of the institution’s Title IX Coordinator. If you would like to talk to the Title IX Coordinator (Kimberly Anderson, JD) directly, she can be reached at 540-432-4849 (4TIX) or You can also report incidents or complaints through the online portal. You may confidentially report incidents of sexual violence if you speak to Counseling Services counselors, University Chaplain and Seminary Campus Pastor, or Health Services personnel providing clinical care. These individuals, as well as the Title IX Coordinator, can provide you with information on both internal and external support resources.

Last modified: Monday, September 4, 2023, 2:40 PM
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