Week 1 - What is this place? / Orientation (January 11 - January 18)
Course Access Dates: Students from 12/19/2020 until 4/28/2024; Faculty from 7/22/2020 until 4/28/2024
Section outline
Read for Tuesday:
Complete Enneagram test and be prepared to discuss your results.
Pearce, J. N. (2010). Brookland: Something in the Air. In K. Schneider Smith (Ed.), Washington at Home (pp. 378–391). Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. [Also in binder]
Walker, R. (2019, Jun. 3). 10 Ways to Change How You Interact With Your City. Next City.
Advice from Past Groups [in binder]Read for Wednesday:
(Read only Executive Summary, pp. VII-X.) Kijakazi, K., Atkins, R. M. B., Paul, M., Price, A. E., Hamilton, D., & Darity Jr., W. (2016). The color of wealth in the nation’s capital. Washington, DC: Urban Institute.
12 Inspiring Public Parks & Gardens in Washington, DC. Washington.org
Muyskens, J., Emamdjomeh, A., & Siddiqui, F. (2017, April 17). Here’s where D.C. public transit can take you — and who gets left behind. The Washington Post.
WCSC Community Service Internships [in binder]
McBride, K. (2015, May 28). Advice for summer interns: Don't screw this up. Poynter.org. [Also in binder]
What they don’t tell you about jobs, internships, and your career. (Adapted from Eric Woodard’s convocation and workshop at Eastern Mennonite University on October 23, 2019.) [Also in binder]
5 Tips to Succeed in Your Remote Internship. (2020) Symba.) [Also in binder]
6 Ways to Make the Most of a Remote Internship. Handshake. [Also in binder]
Read for Thursday:
Group Jobs [in binder]The WCSC Handbook [in binder]
Badger, E. & Bui, Q. (2020, July 10). Riots Long Ago, Luxury Living Today. The New York Times.
Gringlas, S. (2017, Jan. 16). Old Confronts New In A Gentrifying D.C. Neighborhood. NPR.
Mathuria, S. (2019, March 28). Place & privilege: Telling stories about places that aren’t yours. Progressive City.
Read for Friday:
Black, R. Global coronavirus pandemic could help the homeless or hurt them more. (2020) Street Sense Media.Langelan, M. (2017). You Too? Here's what to do. [Also in binder]
Langelan, M. (2017). Turning Anger into Change: 30 Ways to Stop a Bigot. [Also in binder]