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Ryan Good

This page hosts the two courses that comprise the WCSC Seminar: (1) CCSSC 387 The Urban Landscape: Race, Space, and Inequality; AND (2) SOC 375 People, Place, and Community: The Politics and Practice of Community Development. Outcomes, assignments, and expectations for each course are separately identified, although the coursework is interspersed and intended to function as an integrated learning experience.

Section outline

  • Week 12 (4/1) – Economic democracy and community economic control (PP&C)

    Who controls the investments that grow our communities? Who controls the profits? 


    Own the change: Building economic democracy one worker co-op at a time. (2015). 


    Nembhard, J. G. (2014, October 2). The cooperative solution. Shelterforce.

    Bockman, J. (2016). Home rule from below: The cooperative movement in Washington, DC. In D. Hyra & S. Prince (Eds.), Capital Dilemma: Growth and Inequality in Washington, D.C. (pp. 66–85). Routledge.

    Field journal PPC-6: Using internet research, identify a credit union, food co-op, or worker co-op in the DC area. How long has it been open? What community does it serve? What objectives does it pursue? Explain in your own words how the organization or enterprise democratizes capital and profits.

    Speaker: Bianca Vazquez, Program Director, Beloved Community Incubator

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