Week 3 – Geographies of race and inequality (6/22)
Course Access Dates: Students from 5/6/2023 until 8/10/2026; Faculty from 12/7/2022 until 8/10/2026
Section outline
We see racial difference reflected in space, but does geography produce racial identities?
Housing Segregation and Redlining in America: A Short History. (2018, April 11). Code Switch from NPR.
Butler, S. M. & Grabinsky, J. (2015, March 24). Segregation and concentrated poverty in the nation’s capital. Brookings.
Rothstein, R. (2015, March 30). Should we force integration on those who don’t want it?, and other commonplace questions about race relations. Economic Policy Institute.
Delaney, D. (2002). The space that race makes. The Professional Geographer, 54(1), 6–14.
Arena Stage study guide for Exclusion.
Submit by 11am:
1) Response blog #2: Explain how living and working in segregated spaces could shape somebody’s understandings of what race means: the significance of their own racial identity as well as the racial identities of others? Delaney and other geographers argue that the spatial organization of our society produces and perpetuates racial privilege and inequality. Do you agree? If so, how does that work? (250 words)
2) Good Bones response
Friday, June 23 (evening)
Theater performance: : Exclusion at Arena Stage
1101 6th St SW, Washington, DC 20024