Section outline

  • Academic credit for your internship comes through WCSC 380 - WCSC Internship, a 5-credit class that is graded pass/fail.

    Expectations of the internship class

    Pre-arrival: Before the term starts, students will work in a timely way with a WCSC staff member and potential internship partners to apply, interview, and secure an internship.

    Upon arrival: Students will sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with their supervisor. They will figure out how to get to work (on public transportation if possible) and practice getting there. Students will work out a schedule with their supervisor that meets the program requirements (25 hours per week).

    Throughout the Term: Students will report to work every week for the full length of the term and complete their requisite 225 hours. They will meet weekly with their supervisors, completing a mid-point check-in with WCSC staff. Students will be expected, like any other employee, to show up to work on time and for tasks agreed to do. Students should make sure to call and email their supervisor at work if unable to make it to work or will be arriving late. Students must log their hours on a weekly basis.

    At the end of the term: Students will participate in an exit interview with their supervisor and a member of the WCSC staff, wrap up loose ends, and write a thank-you note to their supervisor.

    Days off and vacations. The WCSC follows the EMU calendar. Internships may include EMU breaks. Students are responsible for reminding their supervisors about days off for those breaks, for WCSC retreat, which will all be listed in the MOU.

    Internship Logs
