Week 3 – Internship goals, informational interviewing, and professional communication (6/20)
Course Access Dates: Students from 5/6/2023 until 8/10/2026; Faculty from 12/7/2022 until 8/10/2026
Section outline
Tactics for Effective Informational Interviewing – Definitive Guide (2022). Get Five.
3 Steps to a Perfect Informational Interview, by Lily Zhang (2020). The Muse.
(Sun) Reflective journal #1
(Mon) Response blog #2: In preparation for setting goals for your internship, respond to the following questions:
1) What technical skills do you want to build through your internship?
2) What background knowledge would help you perform better?
3) What soft skills (i.e., interpersonal skills) would help you in this work?
4) Who are two people at your internship that you’d like to know better?