Section outline

  • Complete:

    Take the CliftonStrengths Assessment, using the provided access code.


    (Sun) Reflective journal #3

    (Sun) Target job opening and description: Submit the job description of the position you have identified (copy and paste it into a document), along with an explanation of why you are interested in the position and why you are a strong candidate (250 words beyond the job description).

    (Sun) Response blog #3: After taking the CliftonStrengths Assessment with the provided access code, read about the five strengths the assessment identified for you and write a reflection responding to these results (250 words).


    July 7-9: WCSC Retreat in West Virginia! (Fri-Sun)

    We will travel together to Rolling Ridge, a retreat community near Harper’s Ferry in West Virginia. The weekend’s activities will include times for reflection, relaxation, and fun. It is an opportunity to step back and think about your experiences in the city and at your internship, and to plan for how you would like to focus the rest of your time in DC.