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David Waybill and Rasheeda Crews created an application implemented as a dynamic web page for the Spring 2012 Software Engineering class. A modified version of that project is provided here with an added utility.

The Schedule Maker allows creation of a graphical view of events over the EMU course blocks. After adding courses or other events on the schedule a "Save Page As..." using the "Web Page, Complete" option allows you to save the updated schedule for later use.

The real power of the schedule maker is demonstrated with this myEMU schedule grabber user-script which pulls course schedule details from the myEMU site for faculty and students. You'll need Firefox with the Greasemonkey add-on or another user-script capable browser (Tampermonkey works for Chrome), but after installing the script just login to myEMU and find a schedule to see Schedule Maker in action. (You'll probably want to save the frame containing the Schedule Maker after customizing it.)

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