Joint Curricular Ventures Policy

Joint Curricular Ventures Involving theAward of Credit Policy and Procedures


The Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) has provided guidance for its member institutions for joint curricular ventures (affiliations, partnerships, technical assistance agreements, articulation agreements, cooperative agreements, consortial agreements, contracts, and memoranda of understanding) established for credit-bearing and degree-granting activities. The guidance is intended to ensure integrity and quality of academic outcomes in all such arrangements. EMU’s policy is designed to comply with these guidelines.

Policy Statement

As a member institution, it is the policy of Eastern Mennonite University to fully comply with the principles of accreditation promulgated by SACS. The university will also consider policies and guidelines offered by SACS. The attached checklist and form are intended as tools to ensure compliance with this policy. In all cases copies of agreements and required documentation are to be kept on file in the provost’s office. Memoranda are to be updated every 5 years; at the five-year interval the director or chair of the department where the joint venture is lodged shall reevaluate the quality of the program, determine whether the program continues to serve the mission of EMU, and update the agreement. Deadline for updating shall be August 15.

Consortial Agreements

Eastern Mennonite University maintains cooperative arrangements with selected institutions that offer programs that meet EMU requirements. Programs with such arrangements are ones that have distinctives compatible with the EMU curriculum. The purpose of these relationships is to allow students to meet cross-cultural requirements, provide courses that supplement on-campus coursework (that is, courses needed but not provided at EMU), or create a special program for EMU students. Students in these programs are EMU students. The following points apply to these programs:

1. The student must complete any admission requirements of the cooperating institution.

2. The student pays charges for tuition and, if applicable, room and board to EMU. The tuition charge is the higher of EMU tuition or the tuition of the cooperating institution. The room and board charge is equal to what is charged by the institution providing the room and board. EMU in turn pays the student’s program costs at the cooperating institution. (In some arrangements no money is exchanged between EMU and the cooperating institution because of mutual benefits.)

3. The academic credits received through the cooperating institution are transferable to EMU and applied toward the student’s degree program. Upon completion of the program the student is responsible for requesting an official transcript of credit to be sent to the EMU Registrar’s Office.

4. Financial aid for the student is provided only by EMU. In determining enrollment status for purposes of financial eligibility, credit hours from the cooperating institution are considered equivalent to EMU credit hours. The following points pertain to financial aid arrangements with various institutions with which EMU has consortial arrangements:

a) Students participating in approved programs where the enrollment is for the purpose of meeting the EMU requirement for a major in foreign language receive the same financial aid as if they were on campus.

b) Students participating in programs to meet the EMU cross-cultural requirement or take additional language courses are eligible only for non-institutional financial aid. Institutional aid (including the EMU and employee CMC/MSC/MEEC discounts) does not apply to off-campus programs unless necessary to meet EMU requirements as described in point a) above.

c) EMU students enrolled in the Washington Community Scholars’ Center may take up to 6 semester hours of credit at approved schools. Because the WCSC program is an extension of EMU, students will receive full financial aid as if they were on campus.

5. A consortial agreement with each institution or organization must be on file in the Financial Assistance Office before any financial aid is released.

Memoranda of Understanding with Non-regionally Accredited Organizations

EMU has established relationships with selected non-regionally accredited organizations in order to provide credit for courses offered by these organizations.  EMU charges at the rate for “miscellaneous credits” per credit hour (see “Summary of Rates and Charges” for a particular year) or other negotiated rate and ensures quality by completing the requirements outlined in the Checklist attached to this policy and completing a Memorandum of Understanding.

Articulation Agreements

EMU has established articulation agreements with several two-year or community colleges.

Other Cooperative Agreements

EMU at Lancaster has developed Memos of Understanding with area seminaries to facilitate fulfillment of selected requirements for seminary programs.

Responsible Party

The provost is responsible for the administration and review of this policy. Deans and program directors/department chairs carry responsibility along with the provost to implement the policy. The provost’s office maintains a chart of organizations with whom EMU has current agreements and memoranda of understanding.

Policy Review

This policy is to be reviewed by the provost on an annual basis by May 1 to ascertain that it continues to be compatible with SACS requirements. Annually on August 15 the provost also shall review the files to ensure that all memoranda and documentation are up to date.


Faculty/Staff Handbook


Approved by President’s Cabinet, June 28, 2006

Revised March 11, 2009

Checklist for Development and Evaluation of Joint Curricular Ventures Involving the Award of Credit

SACS refers to joint curricular ventures in The Principles of Accreditation in Comprehensive Standard 3.4.7: “The institution ensures the quality of educational programs/courses offered through consortia relationships or contractual agreements, ensures ongoing compliance with comprehensive requirements, and evaluates the consortial relationship and/or agreement against the purpose of the institution.”(2008 edition)

Additional guidance is provided in a document of the SACS Commission on Colleges (COC), Joint Curricular Ventures Involving the Award of Credit by Member Institutions: Policy and Guidelines” approved December 2005 ( ). The EMU procedure is intended to assist in use of the policy and guidelines statement to ensure compliance with the section of the Principles cited above and other applicable sections. Refer to the COC document for additional guidance, explanations, and suggestions.

EMU must ensure that the following principles have been followed and satisfied with respect to any course or program offered. Where quality is not assured by other means, such as accreditation of an institution of higher learning, a Memorandum of Understanding and completion of the attached Joint Ventures Form is required.  The “Memorandum of Understanding” template attempts to provide for appropriate information and procedures to permit and ensure compliance with Principles of particular concern in joint venture situations. In addition to completion of the Memorandum of Understanding, the file for each joint venture should include the following:

  1. Describe the practices used for determining the amount and level of credit awarded for any course or program.
  2. Provide evidence that the course or program has been approved by the faculty and administration.
  3. Provide a statement about acceptable student success and appropriate student progress, and evidence of assessment of success, progress, and outcomes.
  4. If a student “enrollment agreement” (an outline of the obligations of the institution, the contracting organization, and the student) is used, include a copy of that in the file. If not, describe how students are fully informed of their rights and responsibilities prior to enrollment and payment of fees.
  5. Provide a description of how student academic advising, student support services, and appropriate learning resources are provided.
  6. If a “teach-out” agreement (an agreement with another agency to protect enrolled students in the event that the program is terminated or renegotiated) is not provided, describe why it is not necessary.
  7. Provide a copy of any notifications required (e.g., federal or state agencies, Commission on Colleges)
  8. If representatives or agents are used for student recruitment, describe all arrangements and training provided to ensure appropriate conduct.
  9. Provide copy of any promotional and advertising materials used.

See the Joint Ventures form for compiling the above information and preparing the accompanying file.